EFIRO 2024 is a specialized philatelic exposition, with the participation of 67 countries, that will take place on April 16-19 at the Romanian National Library. It is the only world philatelic exposition in this year, and it is organized by the Romanian Philatelic Federation, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Romanian Post, Romfilatelia S.A., Museum of Romanian Records and the Foundation of Remarkable Results. The exhibition has the patronage of Romanian Senate, , F.I.P. (Fédération Internationale de Philatélie), A.E.P. (Académie Européenne de Philatélie), A.I.J.P. (Association Internationale des Journalistes Philatéliques) and is recognized by F.E.P.A. (Federation of European Philatelic Associations).
During this world event, over 560 philatelic exhibits will be presented in the competition classes, belonging to over 400 participants in 67 countries, on 2560 exhibition panels on over 2000 square meters surface. During this great philatelic event, the second Discal Philately Salon will be organized, in the non-competitive class, next to other exhibits outside of the competition, and five specialized philately seminars. Some events that will not be missing are the annual meetings of A.E.P, A.I.E.P. and A.I.J.P. Congress, will be hosted in the Amphitheater of the Museum of Romanian Records, and visiting the biggest private collection of Romanian philately.
The Museum of Romanian Records, in partnership with Romanian Philatelic Federation is the main sponsor of the Academy of Philatelic Jurors of F.I.P. The intensive courses, unfolded on the span of three days, will take place in the museum’s amphitheater.
Aside from the unique philately collection, the Museum of Romanian Records offers you the opportunity to visit other 99 themed collections, unique in the world.
Among the private collections at the Museum of Romanian Records are the pressing irons (over 35.000 pieces), corkscrews (over 30.000 pieces), stoves, trivets (over 15.000 pieces), photo cameras, typewriters and calculators, phonographs, musical boxes, radios and other mini-collections.
For more information regarding EFIRO 2024, please visit: https://www.efiro.ro/